A few years ago, SPIRITRAISER released a captivating new album, “Inspiral,” that truly was an incredible introspective journey into music. Needless to say, we have been waiting a while now for them to release their second album unto the world. “Ciklos” is coming out on March 25th, 2022, independently and the band recently released a fourth single, “Fearism,” which again serves as an illustration that some music is just meant to stretch the imagination.

If you listened to SPIRITRAISER‘s previous album, you know that this is the sort of music you need to pay attention to to fully grasp. Each of their songs is sort of a microcosmos of their own, with many layers and different moods combined. “Fearism” is no exception to the rule – clocking in over 6 minutes, the band starts off with a more atmospheric, hooky, grungy intro, then switches its gear into a more ambient soundscape with Jules Näveri‘s versatile vocals on top. Interestingly, this song is mostly carried by its progressive drum pattern, which provides a unique edge to this song. Untraditionally, the guitars and bass are mostly there to enhance the atmosphere created by the vocals. Midway through, there’s a fascinating electronic soundscape spiced up with beautiful guitars, where the mood changes from relatively grim to calm, which is also reflected in the lyrics “with you, you carry an endless source of hope.” As the song progresses, it sort of comes full-circle by re-introducing the moods from the intro.
All-in-all, SPIRITRAISER is truly one of the most refreshing acts to come from Finland, offering music that has a certain uniqueness to it and “Fearism” is nothing but a great example of that and possibly one of the many gems you will be able to find on their upcoming album, “Ciklos.”