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Tag: tuska festival

GALLERY: 28-30.6.2019 Tuska Open Air @ Suvilahti, Helsinki (Musicalypse Archive)

TUSKA OPEN AIR METAL FESTIVAL at Suvilahti in Helsinki, July 2019. DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 FESTIVAL EXTRAS Photos by Janne PuronenMusicalypse, 2019OV: 7843

30.6.2019 – Day 3 – Tuska Open Air @ Suvilahti, Helsinki

Traditionally Tuska leaves space for the regular festival goer's hangover, and starts off with the event a little bit later, and ends it a...

Interview with Mantar — “Those 60 minutes on stage… That’s the...

When I heard the music of MANTAR, the duo from Germany, for the first time, I was blown away by their intensity. I didn’t yet...

Interview with Keoma — “When we hopped on stage and saw...

Keoma, formed in Helsinki in 2008, is a six-piece progressive metal band. The guys have been around the scene for 10 years and secured...

Interview with Shiraz Lane — “The main difference between intimate shows...

Shiraz Lane has been busy ever since their latest album “Carnival Days” was released. The guys have been playing shows around Finland and overall,...

Interview with Oceanhoarse – “There will be no stopping us.”

Beast In Black made an announcement that Oceanhoarse would join them during their first two club shows in Finland. “Who is this Oceanhoarse? I...

29.06-01.07.2018 Tuska Festival @ Suvilahti, Helsinki (Musicalypse Archive)

Tuska Open Air Festival has cemented itself as one of Helsinki’s most iconic annual events and as such, was a must for any self-respecting...

GALLERY: 29.6-1.7.2018 Tuska Open Air @ Suvilahti, Helsinki (Musicalypse Archive)

Tuska Open Air metal festival at Suvilahti in Helsinki, June-July 2018. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Extras Photos by Janne PuronenMusicalypse, 2018OV: 14,673 Recent posts Related posts

1.7.2018 – Day 3 – Tuska Open Air @ Suvilahti, Helsinki

When it comes down to punctuality I do my best, but apparently, at festivals, the universe has different plans for me. I keep on...

30.6.2018 – Day 2 – Tuska Open Air @ Suvilahti, Helsinki

After a successful first day of the festival, I tried to make my way to mainstage as soon as possible. However, I was blocked...

29.6.2018 – Day 1 – Tuska Afterparty: Mors Subita, Whispered &...

After the first day of the festival, I decided that it would be fun (and almost suicidal due to being really sick) to go...

29.6.2018 – Day 1 – Tuska Open Air @ Suvilahti, Helsinki

For the 21 years Tuska has been one of Finland’s biggest and most beloved metal festivals. Even though I have been living here for...

TUSKA FESTIVAL: What to expect – Day 3

The official countdown to Helsinki’s favorite festival has begun, less than two weeks to go until the heavy metal party can begin at Tuska...

TUSKA FESTIVAL: What to expect – DAY 2

The official countdown to Helsinki’s favorite festival has begun, less than two weeks to go until the heavy metal party can begin at Tuska...

TUSKA FESTIVAL: What to expect – Day 1

The official countdown to Helsinki’s favorite festival has begun, less than two weeks to go until the heavy metal party can begin at Tuska...

6.30-2.7.2017 Tuska Festival @ Suvilahti, Helsinki (Musicalypse Archive)

The end of June has come and gone, which means that another one of our favorite festivals has come and gone with it. Tuska...

GALLERY: 30.6-2.7.2017 Tuska Open Air @ Suvilahti Helsinki (Musicalypse Archive)

The end of June has come and gone, which means that another one of our favorite festivals has come and gone with it. Tuska...

PHOTOSHOOT: Devin Townsend @ Tuska Open Air, Helsinki (Musicalypse Archive)

An interview photoshoot with Devin Townsend of the DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT backstage at Tuska Open Air Festival, at the Suvilahti construction site in Helsinki,...

1.7.2017 – Day 2 – Tuska Open Air @ Suvilahti, Helsinki

Tuska, the Open Air Metal Festival celebrating its 20th Anniversary with record high ticket sales adding up to 37 000 visitors during the weekend,...