Tag: blame me
2023 IN MUSIC: Blame Me!
We chatted with alternative metal act Blame Me! to see how they experienced 2023. Read the complete interview here...
GALLERY: 20.10.2022 Blame Me & Ikinä @ On The Rocks, Helsinki
Blame Me and Ikinä teamed up and played a show at On The Rocks on October 20th, 2022. Check out our photo gallery here...
2021 IN MUSIC: Juho Jokimies (Blame Me, Thy Row)
2021 has been a busy year for bass player Juho Jokimies. Not only did he release the debut full-length record of the alternative rock act Blame Me!, but he also released the debut effort with heavy metal band Thy Row. We asked him a few questions about how he experienced the year. Read the complete interview here...
Radiokanavilla jyräävältä alternative-bändi Blame Me!’ltä uusi video: Don’t Save Me tempaa...
Modernia alternative rockia paahtava kotimainen BLAME ME! on noussut upeasti musiikkikentille: yhtye julkaisi kesäkuussa debyyttilevynsä "The Invisible You," jolta useampikin single nousi Spotify-listojen lisäksi myös isoille...
GALLERY: 28.7.2021 Luna Kills, Blame Me!, & Edge of Haze @...
Yesterday, we went to see Luna Kills, Blame Me, and Edge Of Haze at On The Rocks in Helsinki. Check out our photo gallery here...
28.7.2021 Luna Kills, Blame Me!, & Edge of Haze @ On...
Helsinki got a triple-whammy of awesome rock music on the 28th when we saw Luna Kills, Blame Me, and Edge of Haze at On the Rocks! Check out the live report here...
Radiokanaville rynninyt Blame Me! julkistaa vielä “Infected”-sinkun ennen ensi viikon pitkäsoittoa
Blame Me! have released one more single from their upcoming debut album. Learn more here (vain suomeksi / only in Finnish)...
REVIEW: Blame Me – The Invisible You
Finnish alternative rock act Blame Me are releasing their debut effort, "The Invisible You," on June 11th, 2021, independently. Check out the review here...
Interview with Blame Me — “This album is a good representation of...
Alternative rock act Blame Me are releasing their debut full-length album, "The Invisible You," to be released on June 11th, 2021, independently. We had the opportunity to talk to singer Bini Silvennoinen and drummer Vallu Kousa about the upcoming release. Watch the complete interview here...
Blame Me! päivitti t.A.T.u.:n megahitin All The Things She Said moderniksi...
Alternative-rockia menestyksekkäästi soittava kotimainen BLAME ME! on tiputellut pitkin kevättä tarttuvia singlejä – hittibiisi "Fire, Fuel and Scars" on soinut radiokanavilla muutamassa kuukaudessa jo yli 200...
Women’s Day Special: A conversation with Bini Silvennoinen, Sanna Sola, &...
March 8th marks International Women's Day every year: a day to celebrate the achievements of women and raise awareness about gender equality. Apart from...
Radiosoittolistoille ampaissut alternative-bändi Blame Me! pyytää happea singlellä “Toxic.”
Alternative-yhtye BLAME ME! räjäytti potin edellisellä singlellään "Fire, Fuel and Scars," kun biisi nousi ensisoittojen jälkeen useammankin radiokanavan soittolistalle ja on pyörähtänyt eetterissä vuoden alun...
10 Finnish bands to look out for in 2021
2020 was a very dramatic chapter in the book of life. As dark as its pages may have been, we are looking forward to...