Legendary vocalist Anneke van Giersbergen is known for many projects, from Arjen Lucassen‘s AYREON, to most DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT albums, and more! However, we should never forget that she has her own projects as well, such as the recently-revealed VUUR! This six-piece band is causing waves of anticipation in the metal crowd, featuring not only Anneke herself, but also Marcela Bovio (vocals), Ed Warby (drums), Jord Otto (guitars), Ferry Duijsens (guitars), and Johan van Stratum (bass). To celebrate the band’s long-awaited reveal, we’re doing a 2-week special edition of Playlist of My Life, featuring the entire band, divided into 2 weeks! This week’s playlists are from Anneke, Marcela, and Jord. Stay tuned next week for the rest!

1. The first song you remember hearing as a child
Anneke van Giersbergen: The ROLLING STONES‘ “Goats Head Soup” album. My dad is a STONES fan and this is his favourite album.
Marcela Bovio: Not really a song, probably “Air on the G String” from Bach.
Jord Otto: QUEEN – “Innuendo.” I totally remember how I used to wake up before my parents, went to the stereo, put this CD in and turn it to eleven. Still is crazy good!
2. The first song you can recall ever really and truly loving
Anneke: Edvard Grieg‘s “Peer Gynt.” I used to dance around the living room while listening to “In the Hall of the Mountain King.”
Marcela: Something classical again! Pachelbel’s “Canon.”
Jord: TOOL – “Forty-Six & 2”
3. A song that you loved as a teenager/reminds you of high school
Anneke: PRINCE AND THE REVOLUTION – “Purple Rain.” This song made me want to be a musician myself.
Marcela: “Alma Mater” from the Portuguese metal band MOONSPELL.
Jord: CHILDREN OF BODOM – “Bed of Razors”
4. The song or band that got you into metal music (or the current genre you play in)
Anneke: SLAYER – “Angel of Death.” My friends were into metal: ANTHRAX, METALLSLAYERICA, and Slayer. In the second half of the ’80s, Dutch radio had a radio program that played metal music for 1 hour every week: Vara’s Vuurwerk and they played this song a lot. For most of my friends that was the most important hour of the week.
Marcela: CELESTIAL SEASON – “Above Azure Oceans”
Jord: CHILDREN OF BODOM. They actually got me to pick up the acoustic guitar that my dad had laying around. First time I played guitar and I tried to do what Alexi Laiho does. Must have sounded beautiful.
5. The most recent song to get stuck in your head
Anneke: AMORPHIS – “Death of a King”
Marcela: MOTÖRHEAD – “The Hammer”
Jord: KARNIVOOL – “New Day”
6. Your guilty pleasure song/band
Anneke: Patti LaBelle and Michael McDonald – “On My Own.” Cheesy, but two superb singers.
Marcela: Something from the ’80s – BON JOVI or WHAM!, I guess. But I don’t really feel guilty about it.
Jord: I have a soft spot for Tori Amos, Lana del Rey, and Sia. Whenever my head goes exploding after so many hours of making and listening to metal, I just need some air. I guess this is kind of a guilty pleasure thing as it’s not very metal.
7. The first album you bought with your own money/the first album you were really excited to own
Anneke: Donna Summer – “All Systems Go.” I used to pass this little record shop on my way to school in Schijndel, the Netherlands. I was into soul music as well and when I saw this album in the window, I needed to have it. I bought it after school one day and it was very exciting to have my own music.
Marcela: Héroes del Silencio – “El espíritu del vino”
Jord: MUSE – “Origin of Symmetry”
8. A song that makes you want to curl up on the couch with a hot beverage
Anneke: Damien Rice – “Cold Water”
Marcela: Bill Frissel – “Strange Meeting”
Jord: HAUNTED SHORES – “Vectors”
9. A song to blast at full volume while you’re on the road
Anneke: MASTODON – “Black Tongue”
Marcela: PANTERA – “Fucking Hostile!!!!”
Jord: DECAPITATED – “Homo sum”
10. The song you’d most like to be played at your funeral
Anneke: PRINCE AND THE REVOLUTION – “Power Fantastic”
Marcela: Whatever the guests feel like listening to. I wouldn’t be able to care any less, since I’m already dead.
Jord: TWO UNLIMITED – “Jump For Joy.” I don’t care really, as I’m pretty sure I’m not going to be the one listening to it anyway. But hey lets make it awkward!
Interview by Bear Wiseman
Musicalypse, 2017
OV: 15,209
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