SONG OF THE DAY: Cory Marks – Drive (Musicalypse Archive)


Cory Marks. Do you know the name yet? If not, we’re still trying our hardest to correct that. Having blown us away with the heavy, stompin’ “Outlaws & Outsiders,” captured our feelings with “Better Off,” got us in a partying mood with “Blame it on the Double,” and made us bounce around to “Devil’s Grin,” this Canadian heavy country artist is back once more with another teaser from his upcoming debut, “Drive.”

“Heavy country” is a more or less entirely new thing and Marks is its forefather, consistently pulling it off perfectly. However, once in a while there’s still a need to go back to the basics, and that he what he does with “Drive.” This feel-good romance about trucks, driving, and love feels a lot more like a pure country song, having stripped the instruments down to a more traditional country sound, leaving most of the rock influence behind for those who may be skeptical of this newfangled heaviness. Country music is often about love and heartache; Marks has covered the latter with a few songs (like the aforementioned “Better Off”) so now as summer approaches its peak and the weather is great for driving, a gentle, uplifting song is a welcome addition to his repertoire.

In further news, Marks has finally announced the release of his debut album, entitled Who I Am,” for August 7th, 2020. Pre-orders and pre-saves for the album (for streaming services, if you’re unfamiliar) are now available at his website.

Written by Bear Wiseman
Musicalypse, 2020
OV: 444


Cory Marks



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