We came across the glorious new hard-rock entity that is CLASSLESS ACT earlier this year in August and had the privilege to chat with singer Derek Day while the band were out of commission for a while after having contracted the coronavirus. The interview was both extremely fun and also proved how much life and energy these guys have. With only one fantastic single under their belt at the time, anticipation was high for whatever came next. As such, it was a bit of a surprise that their second release was delayed until the end of November and was… a holiday song? However, not to be outdone by the season or other holiday tracks, CLASSLESS ACT put a rather interesting spin on an old classic and released it alongside the most Finnish music video that I’ve ever seen made by a non-Finnish band. Today, this version of “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” is our Song of the Day!

The song opens on a dirty guitar line and drops into a pure rock ‘n’ roll groove. Immediately, vocalist Derek Day surprises listeners by singing in an entirely different style than we’ve heard in “Give it to Me.” It’s both funky as hell musically and vocally quirky and over-the-top (without going too far) that it is hardly recognizable as an existing song. It’s short, sweet, and silly as absolute hell!
The video, as I said, feels very Finnish, as a drunken, tattooed Santa Claus wakes up in his dirty car, hungover, with a bunch of pictures with CLASSLESS ACT on his phone from a night he does not remember, culminating with the discovery that he has neither pants nor underpants on. He proceeds to make his way around town, getting kicked out of a convenience store, chased off by the band, and eventually getting in a fight with another Santa Claus so he can steal his pants. Finns, do you see why I feel like you might like this video?
So if you need a little Bad Santa in your season this year, don’t let this seasonal song slip under your radar!