FEATURED SINGLE: Marko Hietala – Stones (Musicalypse Archive)


Marko Hietala should need no introduction by now, but in case you’ve lived in a hole for the last few decades, he plays in bands like NIGHTWISH, TAROT, NORTHERN KINGS, and SAPAATTIVUOSI, and has guested in countless projects with bands like AYREON and DELAIN to name a few. But something he hasn’t had is a solo album, until recently that is.

“Mustan sydämen rovio” was released earlier this year to the shock of many Hietala fans who were expecting something less “hard prog” and more heavy metal. But perhaps the most interesting thing relating to the album was that it was written fully in both Finnish and English. Translated albums are a real hit-or-miss deal; however, if anyone was going to pull it off, Hietala seemed like the one to do it.

The English translation of “Kiviä” – “Stones” – was released last week and true to our expectations, the song sounds pretty much exactly the same in English but has no weirdness linguistically, nor anything embarrassing or weird on the band or vocals’ behalf. It’s the same heavy, cool song, only now the English-speaking listeners can far more easily sing along and understand the song’s concept. Everything good about the original remains, just with some different words and the use of “stones” in the chorus as opposed to “hoi” might even be more effective.

Written by Bear Wiseman
Musicalypse, 2019
OV: 929


Marko Hietala



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