If you love heavy synthwave, you hopefully already know about BEAST IN BLACK, who have been making huge waves with their first two releases, “Berserker” and “From Hell with Love.” With their third album release just around the corner, fans were already teased with the first single, “Midnight Rendezvous,” and now the band have released yet another single, “One Night in Tokyo,” which happens to be today’s Featured Single!

If BEAST IN BLACK are known for one thing, it’s really memorable, catchy melodies. This track has some really great guitars, naturally, and while the drums and bass remain a bit simple and/or hidden in the mix for my personal preference, the rest of the music makes up for this small hiccup. That melody is indeed catchy as hell and will likely stay on repeat in your head for a while.
The strong use of synth/keyboards adds to the cyberpunk/electronic feel, as well as the general catchiness of the song, which will be interesting to hear in the context of the full album. Yannis Papadopoulos on vocals is, as always, very impressive with his range, though on this track, he does sing some slightly lower (at least for his range) parts that have a slight Michael Jackson flavor to them. Also did I mention the guitars yet? Yes, I did. Well I’ll mention them again, because if anyone finds this music a bit too poppy, at least these guys can still shred when the time comes.
Also, it’s worth checking out the video, which feels very authentically BIB! Stay tuned for “The Dark Connection,” which is out via Nuclear Blast Records on October 29th, 2021.
Want to learn more about the single? We asked BEAST IN BLACK some questions about it on IGTV (sorry for the bad outdoor quality in the beginning – we fix that quickly)! Also check out our Spotify playlist, where you can find the most recent singles from rising Finnish bands.