After my interview with the guys of Spiritraiser some months ago, I, of course, wanted to attend their concert, no question about that. So, on 17 October it was time for me to check out their album release experience at Nosturi. Experience, yes. Because it was more than just a regular concert.

I arrived a little bit earlier than planned, to check out everything present. Artworks were hanging on the walls from Nosturi, as I marched my way upstairs. The art show included works by painters Anu Korhonen & Emmi Holopainen and a projection show by Mikko Lampinen. But that was not everything the band had in store for us. The background tape playing before the actual performance was also adjusted to match with the event. The intro track was made by drummer Kristian Merilahti including some ambient songs, the last ten minutes, however, were of his own hand and melted in swiftly with the performance.

In my review I mentioned how amazing the band is with creating a certain atmosphere in which you can immerse yourself in, that’s no different live. The first part of the performance was basically the band playing their debut album Inspiral completely. What I noticed is that the band has perfected the same sound live, as they sound on their album. Even though their music is very introspective, the band made sure that they were engaging with the audience, and they took over the stage immediately, which is kind of rare for bands who are playing the type of music they are playing.

I wasn’t exactly surprised by the capabilities of Spiritraiser, but what I was surprised about was the second half of the setlist, which sounded a lot heavier and more aggressive than the debut album. This is proof that the band has still a lot in store for us. I’m looking forward to seeing how the band is evolving from here and hopefully, they will get to play a lot more shows together!
1. Sun
2. Spiral
3. M.T.W.
4. Fusion
5. Venus Sky
6. Nuntai
7. Angel (Massive Attack cover)
8. Disorder (unreleased)
9. Glory (unreleased)