Tag: what to expect
What to expect at Tuska Festival 2022
Still not sure about attending Tuska Festival this weekend? Well, here's a brief(ish) summary of what you'll be able to find at one of our favorite festivals!
What to expect at Hellsinki Metal Horizons 2022
Hellsinki Metal Horizons is starting today! More info here...
What to expect at Dark River Festival 2021
Planning to go to Dark River Festival but are not sure what bands you should definitely check out? No worries, we prepared a festival guide for you! Discover more about the bands playing at the festival here...
What to expect at SaariHelvetti 2021
Still trying figuring out what bands you should check out at Saarihelvetti? We can help you with our festival guide! Here's what to expect at Saarihelvetti 2022...
TUSKA FESTIVAL: What to expect – DAY 2
The official countdown to Helsinki’s favorite festival has begun, less than two weeks to go until the heavy metal party can begin at Tuska...
TUSKA FESTIVAL: What to expect – Day 1
The official countdown to Helsinki’s favorite festival has begun, less than two weeks to go until the heavy metal party can begin at Tuska...