For those of you who don’t know Mike Mills, for shame! He is the heart and soul behind Australian rock band, TOEHIDER, as well as the voice of the Father in AYREON‘s “The Theory of Everything,” and Devin Townsend‘s replacement as Rage in “The Theater Equation“! Not only that, but he did an Open Mike Night series on YouTube (see below) where he did acoustic covers. With such a cool collection of musical projects already behind him, we’re very excited to have the playlist of his life!
1. The first song you remember hearing as a child
Probably would have been a Sesame Street song, something like “I Love Trash” or “People in Your Neighbourhood”
2. The first song you can recall ever really and truly loving
Probably another Sesame Street song! “Chickens in the Trees.” Brilliant.
3. A song that you loved as a teenager/reminds you of high school
“Catch the Rainbow” by RAINBOW. My science teacher used to bring me all this amazing music from the ’70s and ’80s to listen to, and I remember just being in awe of the “Rainbow: On Stage” album, and that track in particular really stood out to me.
4. The song or band that got you into metal music (or the current genre you play in)
I guess like a lot of Aussie kids, it was AC/DC that really got me into heavier music. The “Let There Be Rock” album has such a buzzy, tape-saturated sound, I’d never heard anything like it before.
5. The most recent song to get stuck in your head
“Can’t Stop the Feeling!” by Justin Timberlake. I love the chords in the bridge, and the bassline. Pure pop perfection!
6. Your guilty pleasure song/band
Ah, I don’t believe in “guilty pleasure.” I will never feel guilty or apologize for something I like! There’s so much amazing music, I believe there’s something of merit in everything. A balanced, steady diet of all different kinds of music, that’s the key to a healthy soul 🙂
7. The first album you bought with your own money/the first album you were really excited to own
An Aussie band called ICEHOUSE, an album called “Man of Colours.” I *think* that was the first album I bought with my own money. I still have the cassette somewhere.
8. A song that makes you want to curl up on the couch with a hot beverage
Hmm, perhaps anything by Sophie Hutchings, she’s a really unique piano player from Sydney. Really dreamy, relaxing stuff.
9. A song to blast at full volume while you’re on the road
Can’t go wrong with old “Highway Star” or “Burn” from DEEP PURPLE, or “Summer Song” by Joe Satriani, “Wheels of Fire” by MANOWAR. We have lots of driving hours in between towns in Australia, so “Thick as a Brick” in its entirety by JETHO TULL is great.
10. The song you’d most like to be played at your funeral
No song, just a recording I made of me banging on some wood yelling in a muffled voice, “Wait guys! GUYS! I’m not dead! Can someone let me out of here? It was just a flu, I’m better now.” My brother has already promised that if he outlives me, he’ll sneak a CD player or something in my coffin.
Interview by Mika Ringman
Musicalypse, 2016
OV: 3751
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