Arion is hardly a stranger anymore to fans of Finnish melodic metal, and the upcoming second album of the Helsinki-based troupe is one of the most anticipated future releases in Musicalypse headquarters as well. Following their new single, “No One Stands in My Way”, and while waiting for the release date for the whole album, we are delighted to share the playlist of band guitarist and main composer Iivo Kaipainen’s life.
1. The first song you remember hearing as a child
I’m a child of a classical composer and a classical singer so I’ve been to an incredible number of classical concerts as a kid. Back then I was always sung to sleep and that’s why I’ll answer the Brahms’ “Lullaby” One of the most beautiful melodies in the world.
2. The first song you can recall ever really and truly loving
The first Pokemon theme! It’s still so freaking nostalgic to me… And I think I’m not the only one who feels this way (of those at my age).
3. A song that you loved as a teenager/reminds you of high school
I had ”Psychosocial” by SLIPKNOT on endless repeat when I was 13-14 I think. I still love the song. I also remember blasting ”Dead to the World” by NIGHTWISH with Viljami, the first singer of ARION during our pre-high school years.
4. The song or band that got you into metal music (or the current genre you play in)
“Nemo” by NIGHTWISH. I heard it playing on Finnish pop station Radio Nova when I was 9-10 years old. My heart has belonged to heavy rock and metal ever since. It’s probably worth mentioning that I was exposed to the music of CHILDREN OF BODOM and IRON MAIDEN by my friends in elementary school and that’s why I ended up playing the guitar.
5. The most recent song to get stuck in your head
ARCH ENEMY – “The Eagle Flies Alone.” I can’t get the intro melody out of my head. It haunts me…
6. Your guilty pleasure song/band
I’ve got way too many of those! Hah… anyway ”Lost Boys” by THE 69 EYES, “La la la” by NAUGHTY BOY, “All of Me” by John Legend, etc. I also have to list ”Can You Feel the Love Tonight” by Elton John. I don’t fancy the original studio version too much – it feels a bit cheesy to me – but the song itself is one of greatest ever written.
7. The first album you bought with your own money/the first album you were really excited to own
I think it was a NIGHTWISH album, most probably “Once” or “Highest Hopes.” I also remember buying almost every record made by CHILDREN OF BODOM.
8. A song that makes you want to curl up on the couch with a hot beverage
“Bother” by STONE SOUR. Beautiful, sad, and intense song written and sung by one of my favorite vocalists.
9. A song to blast at full volume while you’re on the road
When I get my chance to be the DJ while on the road, I always choose at least “Throne“ by BRING ME THE HORIZON, “War Eternal” by ARCH ENEMY, “Numb” by LINKIN PARK, “Last Ride of the Day” by NIGHTWISH, “Feel Invincible” by SKILLET, and “Lift Me Up” by FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH.
10. The song you’d most like to be played at your funeral
“One Day” by Hanz Zimmer. It includes one of my favorite soundtrack themes of all time.
Interview by Lene L.
Musicalypse, 2017
OV: 2370
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