The basement at Bar Loose offered an interesting lineup of softer rock on March 15th, 2023. The 3-act show began with the Brit-rock influenced PÄIVÄN SÄÄ, who have recently released their first album, “Kuinka aika pysäytetään?” Second up were SANTERI SIHVONEN & KARJALAN KONNAT who play folkish rock with a cheerful and positive vibe. Last up were LÄTSÄ, a band/artist who have garnered some positive attention and comparisons to the likes of Finnish folk-rock legend J. KARJALAINEN.
A Wednesday night is never the easiest when it comes to pulling in audiences, but the twenty to thirty people who had arrived at the venue were treated to three different shows, all delivered with style and passion. The peak of the evening was at the end though – LÄTSÄ played a show that consisted largely of new songs coming out on their new record, due in the fall. Their new material sounded as though the band have matured somewhat. The compositions work nicely and there are some delicious hooks both in the lyrics and the melodies. It will be interesting to see how the new record will play out, but the live versions of the songs promise good things.
See the photos from the evening below!
Päivän sää

Santeri Sihvonen & Karjalan konnat


Photos by Arto Alho