Finnish industrial metal band PENTATONIK are back with a new name and line-up, now called ALFA PENTATONIK. The first single, “Pelkojemme perintö” was released recently via Inverse Records.

LISTEN the single:
PENTATONIK is a Finnish industrial metal band that was formed in the beginning 2000 and are now coming back with full force. The band have been on a break since 2006, when their last EP “Hellä” was released and the band members parted ways.
PENTATONIK made a comeback in 2007, but life got on the way again and the only release was the “Pohjakosketus” EP, which was published only on JP Immonen‘s (WALHALLA, IRON FROST, ARIA OF SORROW) Soundcloud account.
In 2012 PENTATONIK got their second album, “Lopullinen Ratkaisu” [Final Solution of Mankind] ready. It was started with the original band members before their 2006 breakup and was finished by JP and AP. The album was released as a digital download.
2022 was a new start for the band. JP Immonen (only original member and founder of the band) started to go through old files and create new music for the band and, to honor the original PENTATONIK, naming the band to ALFA PENTATONIK. Janne Partanen (HAUTAJAISYÖ, MARRASKUUN LAPSET, UHRIRISTI) was found to do vocals and also lyrics.
ALFA PENTATONIK are currently making new songs and remaking old ones. As a new beginning, the band is releasing “Pelkojemme Perintö” [Legacy of Our Fears], a hard-hitting song that takes inspiration from RAMMSTEIN and MINISTRY. The song tells about evolution and how it has made us who we are.
The band started working with Inverse Records and their catchy and bleak songs will be released soon.