FEATURED SINGLE: Torchia – Moon, Rise!

TORCHIA has been a rising star in the Finnish metal death metal scene, and currently are working on their second full-length album, with an expected release in spring 2020. The band recently released the very first single from the upcoming album, named “Moon, Rise!” and we definitely enjoyed it a lot.

With an explosive guitar intro “Moon, Rise!” has a dynamic start, it progresses beautifully, with a lot of twists and turns in an energetic melodic masterpiece. The guitar riffs in “Moon, Rise!” are definitely the strongest element in the song, and take a central position. It’s because of these killer riffs that the song really grew on me, and it has been on my rotation in Spotify for the little amount of time it has been released. If you want to get addicted to these deadly catchy riffs yourself, make sure you listen to the song!