REVIEW: Dear Mother – Necessary Darkness EP


Since the release of their debut effort, “Bulletproof,” Dutch alternative metal outfit DEAR MOTHER have been releasing a handful of singles here and there, which are now combined in an EP, “Necessary Darkness,” released on April 19th, 2024.

“Necessary Darkness” is a combination of tracks that were released during 2023, including one previously unreleased track, “Delusion.” It is a result of personal battles and angst culminating in four tracks that show a darker side of DEAR MOTHER. The EP starts with “Unbreakable.” From the start, it’s clear that this EP is going to be heavier than anything written on “Bulletproof.” As an opener, it works really well. Despite the initial heavy wall of sound that hits you in the face, the song still includes the certain DEAR MOTHER trademark style with big catchy choruses and a melting pot of different genres.

“Threads” was the band’s most recent single release and has turned out to be one of my favorite DEAR MOTHER songs ever to be released, with powerful lyrics and extremely versatile vocals. The riffs are heavy and have a bit of an early 2000s quality about them. Let’s not forget about the song’s breakdown, which for sure will be a killer moment live.

Naturally, after all the heaviness, the EP starts to become a little lighter with “Wildfire,” introducing a bit more melody, especially due to its intro, but that little guitar riff is interspersed in between the songs here and there. The electronic elements of the song bring it a little closer to “Bulletproof.” The atmosphere goes a full 180° with the breakdown, but essentially the song does keep a certain feeling of hopefulness, something about there being a light at every tunnel, despite feeling at your darkest, having to go through certain emotions to become stronger as a person. If that means you can write a kick-ass guitar solo like in “Wildfire,” then I’d say any form of personal growth is, in the end, worth it.

The EP also includes a song that wasn’t previously released, “Delusion.” The intro riffage is interesting, involving some electronic elements blended into the heavy riffs. This track has a somewhat more experimental feel to it since it twists and turns a little into surprises. Perhaps the most surprising element of this song is the fact that guitarist Merel Bechtold also sings in it, which I can’t remember if she’s ever done before (apart from maybe some backing vocals here and there).

“Necessary Darkness” is a new chapter in DEAR MOTHER‘s history not only because of the sound but also because it introduces the band’s new members, drummer Ruben Israel, bass player Desmond Kuijk, and guitarist Ferry Duijsens. The fact that the band is open to new things and experimentation, trying to see how far they can push the boundaries of their own established sound, is interesting and perhaps makes it a little uncertain for fans what direction the next release might go. But then again, personally, I like a little unpredictability at points; not following the same recipe for your music can be very rewarding. Here’s to DEAR MOTHER‘s future, hopefully, 2024 will be a kick-ass year for them with lots of inspiration musically and fruitful opportunities; we for one can’t wait!

Written by Laureline Tilkin


  1. Unbreakable
  2. Threads
  3. Wildfire
  4. Delusion


David Pear – vocals
Merel Bechtold – guitars
Ferry Duijsens – guitars
Desmond Kuijk – bass
Ruben Isreal – drums



