Tag: tommi lalli
30.5.2020 Blind Channel: Stayin’ Alive Stream @ 45 Special, Oulu (Musicalypse...
It's no secret that Musicalypse are huge supporters of BLIND CHANNEL and their unique brand of "violent pop," aka heavy pop or what could...
REVIEW: Blind Channel – Violent Pop (Musicalypse Archive)
Musicalypse has been following BLIND CHANNEL since prior to their debut album, "Revolutions," back in 2016 and its followup, "Blood Brothers," in 2018. Even though...
PHOTOSHOOT: Ember Falls & Blind Channel Backstage @ Virgin Oil Co....
One of Musicalypse' favorite new acts is Finnish BLIND CHANNEL, who have taken the country by storm with their unique style of "violent pop"...
PHOTOSHOOT: Stage prep & soundcheck with Blind Channel @ Virgin Oil...
Okay, maybe it's time for Musicalypse to take a break from covering BLIND CHANNEL shows... but come on, what fun would that be? This...