Tag: memoremains
22.6.2022 Nummirock – Day 1 @ Kauhajoki, Nummijärvi
Midsummer time means Nummirock time, and the PND has lasted a few years longer than normal thanks to the pandemic. However, June 23rd brought back the first day of the festival in some time, featuring bands like Rytmihäiriö, Ember Falls, and Metsatöll. Check out the festival report here...
Popmetal-bändi Memoremains laittoi Melanie C:n I Turn To You -hitin uusiksi
Seinäjokelainen popmetal-yhtye MEMOREMAINS julkisti erinomaisesti menestyneen "The Cost of Greatness" -debyyttialbuminsa syksyllä. Kymmeniä tuhansia kuuntelijoita ainoastaan Spotifyssa kuukausittain tavoittavan yhtyeen hitti "Bring It On" -ylitti juuri miljoonan kuuntelijan...
REVIEW: Memoremains – The Cost of Greatness
Metal has never been so diverse as it is nowadays. With new subgenres emerging continuously, it's not a big surprise that mainstream pop music...
Interview with Memoremains — “We had one goal and we wanted...
Finnish pop metal act MEMOREMAINS recently released their new album "The Cost of Greatness" on 16 October 2020. We had the chance to talk...