The Germans of POWERWOLF are a cheeky bunch, you have to admit. To release an album that boasts cover artwork of a werewolf holding a cross that looks suspiciously like the one upon which Jesus was crucified (as well sporting demons stabbing it with a spear) on Good Friday is RAMMSTEIN levels of audacity, while also providing good fun to those that don’t take life so seriously. “Interludium,” this new POWERWOLF record – which is not a proper studio album, but rather a compilation that also features some new material – was released on April 7th, 2023, via Napalm Records.

As we have been accustomed to over the last few releases, the deluxe edition of “Interludium” is comprised of three different discs, so as to give listeners a lot to enjoy. As such, disc 1 is the proper album with six new tracks and four forgotten gems from their discography, disc 2 (“Communio Lupatum II”) features cover versions of classic POWERWOLF tracks, and disc 3 (“Interludium Orchestrale”) offers orchestral versions of the new songs. Stylistically, we have the trademark POWERWOLF sound and lyrics on display, but there are no new tricks to speak about. Luckily they have such a fun presence and craft such very enjoyable songs that this lack of diversity is not as bothersome as it would be in other cases. In between Attila Dorn’s resounding vocals, Charles and Matthew Greywolf’s intense guitar moments, Roel Van Helden’s pounding drums, and Falk Maria Schlegel’s adorning keys, “Interludium” perfectly showcases why POWERWOLF are one of the most successful heavy metal bands in the current scene.
Talking about the gems and rarities, “Stronger than the Sacrament” and “Living on a Nightmare” were available on samplers in 2012 and 2015, respectively, and it’s interesting to see how consistent the band has kept its sonic identity over the last decade. “Midnight Madonna” can be found on the earbook edition of “The Sacrament of Sin” (2018) while “Bête du Gévaudan” is the French version of the hit single “Beast of Gévaudan” from their 2021 release, “Call of the Wild.” There’s no great need to dwell on these tracks since they have been out for a while, but I will say that it’s nice to have such hidden gems released to the wider public. “Living on a Nightmare” and “Midnight Madonna” are especially welcomed in this respect, given how well they have stood the test of time, sounding as excellent nowadays as they did back in the day, while “Stronger than the Sacrament” could use a bit of polishing up.
As for the new tracks, they offer a well-rounded POWERWOLF experience, being about as catchy and cheesy as their power metal formula would allow them to be, though never losing sight of the enjoyment factor and bombastic feel. Starting off with “Wolves of War,” “Interludium” wastes no time in getting down to business with fast-paced melodies, big riffs, and anthemic vocals, while allowing for some folky elements à la “Call of the Wild” to embellish the track. This makes for a nice appetizer before single “Sainted by the Storm” kicks in full-throttle with a fist-pumping attitude, a head-banging rhythm, and a glorious singalong chorus that feels tailor-made for the arena. Up next, “No Prayer at Midnight” has another great chorus that elevates its mid-tempo verses, Gothic atmosphere, and overall poppier vibe. This actually proves that even when the wolfpack deviates from their beaten musical path, they can still deliver an enjoyable yet recognizable song.
The centerpiece of “Interludium” is undoubtedly the intense “My Will Be Done,” a beast of a track that merges Latin phrases and a commanding vocal performance with an infectious chorus and stomping grooves, capped off by a blistering solo. Celtic-inspired “Atlas on Fire” may be a bit too POWERWOLF-by-the-numbers in its composition and delivery, but that doesn’t make it any less enjoyable, especially when it comes to the (you guessed it!) high-octane chorus. The Scottish bagpipes do add a nice flavor to it. Up-tempo “Wolfborn” rounds up the new material, boasting fast-paced vocal melodies, atmospheric keys, and an organ-driven bridge that is both majestic in sound and moody in nature.
All things considered, “Interludium” serves its purpose wonderfully, being stacked to the rafters with big hooks, melodies galore, and energy on a scale that only POWERWOLF can deliver. It may be based on a tried-and-tested formula, but if it works, why change it, right? They’re not the first band, nor will they be the last, to stick to their guns and deliver songs that follow a certain pattern, especially when that pattern has made them such hot commodities. So, if you already like what POWERWOLF are all about, you’ll definitely enjoy this release; if not, then “Interludium” won’t change your mind about these German wolves.
Written by Andrea Crow
- Wolves of War
- Sainted by the Storm
- No Prayer at Midnight
- My Will Be Done
- Altars On Fire
- Wolfborn
- Stronger Than the Sacrament
- Living On a Nightmare
- Midnight Madonna
- Bête du Gévaudan
- Attila Dorn – vocals
- Charles Greywolf – rhythm guitar, bass
- Matthew Greywolf – lead guitar
- Roel Van Helden – drums
- Falk Maria Schlegel – keys
Napalm Records