Playlist of My Life: Samer Elnahhal (Musicalypse Archive)

Once known as Ox from LORDI, Samer Elnahhal has returned to the hard rock/heavy metal world with the release of solo album “Supernova Kill Road” on July 24th, 2020. Today, he has shared the playlist of his life with us.

1. The first song you remember hearing as a child

Can’t quite recall all the children’s songs, but I do remember the first metal song for sure: “I Wanna Be Somebody” by W.A.S.P.

2. The first song you can recall ever really and truly loving

“Fight for Your Rights” by MÖTLEY CRÜE. It was and is very emotional because of the lyrics.

3. A song that you loved as a teenager/reminds you of high school

“Youth Gone Wild” by SKID ROW. The title says it all.

4. The song or band that got you into metal music (or the current genre you play in)

“I Wanna Be Somebody” by W.A.S.P. When I first heard it, it changed my life. And then like a week later I heard their single, “Animal (Fuck Like a Beast).” Totally blew me away.

5. The most recent song to get stuck in your head

“Eat the Rich” by AEROSMITH.

6. Your guilty pleasure song/band

I will say the whole first BON JOVI album to this one.

7. The first album you bought with your own money/the first album you were really excited to own

Not sure but I’ll say “Girls Girls Girls” by MÖTLEY CRÜE. And the first album I ever owned and was most excited about was the first W.A.S.P. album. I have the rare “Winged Assassins” version in vinyl, but it’s missing a piece, because at some point as a kid I was running up the stairs with that album in my hand, and I fell.

8. A song that makes you want to curl up on the couch with a hot beverage

“Black Velvet” by Alannah Myles.

9. A song to blast at full volume while you’re on the road


10. The song you’d most like to be played at your funeral

“Might As Well Be on Mars” by Alice Cooper.

Interview by Bear Wiseman
Musicalypse, 2020
OV: 494



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