Finnish modern melodic metal band WEIGHTLESS WORLD‘s debut album, “The End of Beginning” (2019) finally gets a follow-up, as the second album, “Sleepwalker” was released on November 9th, 2023! We talked with guitarist Valtteri Viinikka and vocalist Perttu Korhonen about the release of their recent album. Read the complete interview here…

Hi there! Thanks for the interview. How are you guys doing?
Valtteri: Howdy, thanks for having us! We’re doing well; thank you for asking. Just preparing for the upcoming winter and the turn of a new year!
You recently released your album, “Sleepwalker.” How has the album’s release been for you? How did your fans react to the album?
Valtteri: Yes, holy balls, it’s finally out! The release of “Sleepwalker” has been much anticipated for us as a band, and we’ve all been as relieved as excited for it to finally happen. Similarly, the release has also been eagerly awaited by the fans, and it’s a welcome sight to see that they have taken the album well and are really digging it.
For those who don’t know about WEIGHTLESS WORLD yet; could you briefly talk about your history as a band?
Valtteri: We founded the band in 2011; it’s kind of a surprise to realize that four of us have been in this band for over a decade now. We used our early years patiently but steadily, learning to be in a band, improving on making better music and songs, and finding our own style while also improving individually as players and musicians. In 2016, Perttu joined the band as a lead vocalist, and the first official release single “My Devotion” was released in 2017. Two years later, we released our debut album “The End Of Beginning.” COVID then hit the world and also stopped our upcoming plans of playing gigs and touring, so we used that time to write new songs and refine our sound for the better. The last couple of years, we’ve basically used for preparing the release of “Sleepwalker” and the return of WEIGHTLESS WORLD.
What can people expect from listening to “Sleepwalker?”
Valtteri: It’s an album full of energy, passion, ambition, and devotion that also challenges the listener with its length and versatility. However, we are sure that in its richness, it’s bound to give more than take from its listener. We promise you a lot of melodies, catchiness, epicness, heaviness, and, most importantly, fun times!
How do you guys usually approach songwriting? Is there a main songwriter or is it a collaborative effort?
Valtteri: I have been the driving force in that department since the beginning. Our debut album “The End Of Beginning” was more or less completely written by me, except for the lyrics to “Fat Lady” and “Tides,” which were written by Perttu. On “Sleepwalker,” however, we changed our approach to a more collaborative way so that everyone got to participate more in songwriting and finalizing the songs together. Perttu also took charge of writing the lyrics for this album, though Juuso also came up with “What We’ll Become” and the chorus on “Out Of Time.” The final result definitely became more versatile and richer that way, and we’ll continue to utilize everyone’s input more in the future.
Some of the lyrics seem to refer to sleep and the album’s title is “Sleepwalker,” is there an overarching theme? If so, what is it about. If not, what are the main themes on the record that the lyrics are about?
Perttu: The lyrics and theme of this album revolve around a person in an existential crisis and their process of dismantling the reality they manifest within their minds. Throughout this journey, they begin to catch glimpses of a reality that is not of their own creation but something far more complete. I believe the only thing we can write about is our own experiences, and the only question is how much we pervert them in the process. Having practiced yoga daily for six years now, I still find the physical aspect of life intriguing, but in my experience, it is just a manifestation of what is happening within us.
As with everything related to art, everyone should see it as it relates to them. To me, “Sleepwalker” is not about what is right or wrong; it’s about looking at the same thing from a slightly different, less or more perverted perspective. It’s about trying to wake up from the dream that one has created around them—a dream that still manifests itself in uncontrollable ways, preventing them from seeing the reality as it is.
The album kicks off with a bang with the high-energy “Initiate Restart,” was it instantly clear to you that this would be the perfect opener to this record, especially due to the drumming pattern, it really feels like a good opening song.
Valtteri: No point in trying to deny that statement; it was definitely up there from the moment we started to assemble the songs for the album. Although, as a bold move, we considered for a while that the opening song could also be “Nightmares are Stories of…/What We’ll Become,” yet came to the conclusion that it probably would scare potential listeners away with its length and massiveness.
We wanted to start the album with a strong statement and kind of say, ‘Welcome to the ride, get ready to have some fun,’ and ‘Initiate Restart’ definitely does that well with its straightforward and heavy style.
I really like the intro of “Ragdoll,” especially the more atmospheric approach. Is there anything you can tell fans about that specific song?
Valtteri: One of many from my pencil. That song’s main guitar lead and chorus by the instrumental parts are actually from two old songs of ours that he decided to try to combine into one song. When talking about songs that have a specific emotion in them, it’s definitely one of the most successful ones on the album. The lyrics revolve around a certain kind of addiction—an addiction that is recognized by the one suffering from it, but the withdrawals are so difficult that they have chosen to act on these impulses anyway, accepting their role as a puppet in this dance.
The title track, “Sleepwalker,” on the other hand, is the heaviest song on this record. What can you tell me about that specific song?
Valtteri: I’ve had that main riff up my sleeve for about 7-8 years, and I always wanted to make a song with it. It’s kind of an over-the-top and slightly comical song since we pushed ourselves to the limit with it and vocally wanted to go a bit crazy and experiment with it. Lyrically, we reach a point in a story where reality starts to blur, and the breaking point of losing sanity is being reached.
The closer of the record starts off with a drumming pattern that reminds me a little of a ticking clock. Does that tie in to the themes of the record at all or is that just a coincidence?
Valtteri: We don’t want to dictate too strongly what is right and what is wrong when the listener interprets the album’s lyrics, themes, or possible hidden meanings. So let’s just say: Nicely detected!
Fun fact about “Step Into Nothingness,” though: We started to write and compose that song from the very first song we ever wrote in 2011, and as a kind of tribute, our drummer Kari kept his original drum parts mostly intact!
Now that the album is released, what are your plans? Do you have any concerts coming up?
Valtteri: The main plans and hopes for now are to get to play these songs live as much and as fast as possible! So far, there is one gig coming up in Helsinki in January 2024, but we are doing all we can to get more shows for the coming year. Also, we’ll keep writing new stuff and see if we’ll hit the studio at some point to record.
Thank you for the interview, any last thoughts you want to share with your fans and our readers?
Valtteri: Thank you again for having us; it means the world to us! As for our fans and readers out there, thank you so much for the support you are giving us, listening to our music, and checking us out. We are honored and humbled by your feedback on “Sleepwalker” and are eager to hear from you and see you guys the next time we hit the stage live in the town near you!
Interview by Laureline Tilkin