GALLERY: 23.5.2024 Altar of Despair, I, Cursed, Omnivortex, & Analepsy @ Nirvana, Turku

On May 23rd, 2024, we had the chance to experience some truly brutal death metal and grindcore at Turku’s Nirvana club. The first band of the night was ALTAR OF DESPAIR, who had just released a fresh EP last year and delivered a nicely brutal set, warming the audience up for the night.

The second band, I, CURSED, a death metal duo from Pori, unleashed a truly heavy wall of blast beats and guttural growls.

Next up was OMNIVORTEX, who took everything to the next level. The sheer heaviness of their music shook Nirvana to its core, much to the crowd’s amusement.

The headliner, ANALEPSY, masters of brutal death metal from Portugal, played a show in Finland for the first time. During their set, Nirvana continued to shake, not only from the sheer heaviness of the drumming but also from the stomping of dozens of heavy boots in a circle pit. ANALEPSY delivered a long, brutal set filled with pure primal energy and chaos. Check our photo gallery here…

Altar of Despair

I, Cursed



Photos by Magdalena Niemczura