GALLERY: 11.6.2023 Amurta, Malum, Akhlys @ Utopia, Turku


On the June 11th, 2023, we had the chance to check out a 3-band black metal ritual at the Utopia club in Turku. 

The first band of the night was Turku’s very own AMURTA, a black metal act formed in 2020. They played a set consisting of five songs, warming up the audience for the next act. Judging by their stage presence, compositions, and overall musicianship, this is a band with a future ahead. Overall, they were a very pleasant listen. 

Next up was another band from Turku, MALUM. Now this band, I have to tell you, really spoke to my little occult black heart. They sounded great live, with a special focus on the bass player, whose riffs caught my attention. The vocalist also had great stage presence, with proper corpse paint and fake blood splattered all over his face. They played a long, heavy, and deliciously brutal set. If you have a chance to attend one of their concerts, it’s very worth it. 

The last band of the night was AKHLYS from rocky Colorado. They came on stage in devil-shaped masks that covered their whole faces. They played a wall of delicious black metal that just enveloped you like a wave of sound. I personally find it very soothing when that happens at concerts. They played a long set, entertaining the audience with complex guitar riffs and truly demonic vocals. It’s definitely a band you should see live if you’re a fan of the genre.