We looked into which metal albums stood out this year and which ones earned critical acclaim, and we’ve narrowed it down to 10 releases. These albums didn’t just drop in 2024—they shaped it, one crushing riff, guttural growl, and blast beat at a time. Whether they melted your face, broke your neck (via headbanging, we hope), or just made you say, “Holy hell, this slaps,” these records left their mark in one way or another.

Ulcerate – Cutting the Throat of God
Deezer/Tidal/Bandcamp/Apple Music
Blood Incantation – Absolute Elsewhere
Deezer/Tidal/Bandcamp/Apple Music
Poppy – Negative Spaces
Deezer/Tidal/Bandcamp/Apple Music
Knocked Loose – You Won’t Go Before You’re Supposed to
Deezer/Tidal/Bandcamp/Apple Music
Unto Others – Never, Neverland
Deezer/Tidal/Bandcamp/Apple Music
Linkin Park – From Zero
Trelldom – …By the Shadows…
Deezer/Tidal/Bandcamp/Apple Music
Opeth – The Last Will and Testament
Deezer/Tidal/Bandcamp/Apple Music
Dååth – The Deceivers
Deezer/Tidal/Bandcamp/Apple Music
Judas Priest – Invincible Shield
Written by Laureline Tilkin