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Interview with Within Temptation — “We tell stories of today.”

We chatted with singer Sharon den Adel of Within Temptation some months ago. Watch our interview here...

(2014) Within Temptation – Hydra: Anniversary Special

Today we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Within Temptation's "Hydra," by having a look at the direction their music took during that exploratory phase. Check out the classic album review!

REVIEW: Within Temptation – Bleed Out

Dutch symphonic metal icon Within Temptation are releasing their eighth studio album, "Bleed Out," on October 20, via Force Music Recordings. Check out our review of the upcoming record here...

5 Songs for the 5 Stages of Grief (pt. 4): Depression

Grief is an unfortunately normal part of life, so it helps to have support when you experience it. Luckily, many artists have shared their own feelings via music, so today we look at 5 songs that are helpful in processing the Depression phase of grief. Check them out here...

15.7.2021 Within Temptation: The Aftermath

The third big streaming event of the year is now behind us, as Within Temptation showed us The Aftermath in virtual reality! Check out the livestream report here...

(2011) Within Temptation – The Unforgiving: Anniversary Special

On March 25th, 2011, Dutch symphonic metal band WITHIN TEMPTATION released an album accompanied by three short films (below) and a comic book. Since...

Interview with Within Temptation — “The main thing we love doing...

Dutch symphonic metal act WITHIN TEMPTATION recently released a new single, "Entertain You." We had the chance to talk to singer Sharon Den Adel...

REVIEW: Within Temptation – Resist (Musicalpse Archive)

WITHIN TEMPTATION haVE been on a bumpy ride in the last few years. With their last album, "Hydra," coming out back in 2014, fans were...

26.2.2014 Within Temptation @ Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki (Musicalypse Archive)

Following the January 31st release of their latest album, "Hydra," WITHIN TEMPTATION embarked on the Hydra Tour around Europe. The first show on this...