REVIEW: Lost Society – No Absolution

Four years after the release of their critically acclaimed “Braindead,” LOST SOCIETY return with a brand new album “No Absolution,” out on 21 February 2020. Inspired by thrash predecessors ANTHRAX and MEGADETH while combining the groove metal tendencies of PANTERALOST SOCIETY was founded by vocalist/guitarist Samy Elbanna in 2010. Check out our interviews with Samy Elbanna here and here.

We all remember how the first single of “Braindead,” was something we totally didn’t expect. “I Am The Antidote” was a slow, groovy and extremely heavy song that showed a mature LOST SOCIETY that we hadn’t seen before. The tracks of “No Absolution” further explore that side of the band, fast and furious thrash metal riffs get replaced by a slower, groovier shade of metal. This is already clear from the opener “Nonbeliever,” which starts off with a short acoustic intro setting a grim atmosphere before the explosive start takes off. With its catchy riffs, “Nonbeliever” serves as a perfect opener with an insane amount of energy.

After such an untamed beginning, the title track “No Absolution” continues the matured slower sound including massive riffs and a lot of groove, with a subtle hint of metalcore. “Blood On Your Hands” is perhaps one of the most aggressive, heaviest, and grooviest songs the band has ever produced. The song even has some death metal influences, which definitely comes as a welcome surprise for a LOST SOCIETY song, and showcases how the band has embraced a more cross-disciplinary approach to songwriting.

“Artificial,” the band’s most recent single, is perhaps a bit more of a melancholic song, combining clean vocals with growls, creating incredible moods. This song opens up LOST SOCIETY‘s music to a whole new kind of audience and is proof of how “No Absolution” centers more vocal explorations for singer Samy Elbanna. “Pray For Death” takes a more melodic approach, with killer melodies, and fast riffs. The C-part includes an incredibly aggressive riff that will surely make you band your head until your neck starts aching and the obligatory compelling guitar solo.

With a title like “Outbreak (No Rest For The Sickest),” I would have expected perhaps a faster song, but the groovy riffs and lyrics make the atmosphere totally sick, which definitely works after a more melodic song. “My Prophecy” follows with a bit of a faster tempo, and has perhaps the most powerful chorus on the record. With its heavy riffs, great chorus, and creative melodies, this song is definitely a winner. However, it’s “Mark Upon Your Skin” that totally convinces me of the worth of “No Absolution,” this track definitely is one of my personal highlights. With very rhythmic riffs and a captivating chorus, the song is a fine example of what modern groove metal should sound like: deadly catchy and moshpit-inducing.

Now, people who merely listen to thrash metal, might not agree with the overall slower tempo, but luckily the band has at least one raging fast song: “Worthless,” that goes a bit back to their earlier material, but with a more modern LOST SOCIETY sound. This vile piece of music will be a true assault on many audiences whenever the band gets to play the new material during their shows.

“Deliver Me,” keeps up the tempo, and races on for about five full minutes. This is perhaps the grooviest song on the album, but it still has an incredible fast pure thrash metal assault including one of the best guitar solos present on this album. The song also benefits from captivating lyrics, which ultimately lift up the whole listening experience to a whole new level.

The biggest twist on the album, however, is the collaborative song “Into Eternity” which features the cellists of APOCALYPTICA. The ballad is a perfect way to end the album because of its grandiosity. All-in-all it’s a beautiful, goosebumps-inducing track that pulls you in from its beginning and doesn’t let you go. Including a unique band such as APOCALYPTICA definitely added that little extra magic to the song. It’s perhaps the most beautiful and serene ending to an album that I have ever heard.

Fans that were looking forward to those riffs that don’t slow down from ludicrous speed like the band was known for in their early days, might get a little bit disappointed with “No Absolution”. While the album might not be a pure feast of speed and insanity, there are plenty of other elements to enjoy on “No Absolution”. The album brings finesse to the table with an intensity that is in constant growth. LOST SOCIETY has found its sound in a more American sounding modern metal, drawing inspiration from thrash metal, groove metal, and perhaps even metalcore. Samy Elbanna‘s vocal performance is more varied throughout the whole album and adds impressive energy to all the songs. Every song includes intense, and heavy riffs, incredible guitar solos, and the necessary oomph that will make these songs sound great live.

From beginning to end, “No Absolution” is a fantastic follow-up to “Braindead”. And what an end it has – finishing the disc off with the addictive, heavenly ballad, “Into Eternity”. While “No Absolution” clearly is a continuation of its predecessor “Braindead,” the band has managed to find and finetune a new identity. Along with the slick production, this new record sounds bigger than ever. “No Absolution” can transform any nonbeliever into a devotee in no time.


  1. Nonbeliever
  2. No Absolution
  3. Blood On Your Hands
  4. Artificial
  5. Pray For Death
  6. Outbreak (No Rest For The Sickest)
  7. My Prophecy
  8. Mark Upon Your Skin
  9. Worthless
  10. Deliver Me
  11. Into Eternity ft. Apocalyptica


Samy Elbanna – Guitar & Vocals

Arttu Lesonen – Guitar

Mirko Lehtinen – Bass

Ossi Paananen – Drums


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