REVIEW: Ensiferum – Winter Storm


My initial thought upon listening to “Winter Storm,” the ninth studio album by Finnish folk/melodeath metal band ENSIFERUM, was that it had a very strong power metal soundscape, thought I couldn’t shake off on subsequent listens. The follow-up to 2020’s excellent Thalassic is a fantasy concept story written by bass player Sami Hinkka and sees the Finns fully embrace the crystal-clear vocals of singer/keyboard player Pekka Montin. The album came out on October 18, 2024, via Metal Blade Records.

The sound design on this record is pretty interesting as most of it is dominated by Pekka Montin’s soaring vocals that not only found their place within the band’s sound, they also enhanced the power metal aspect of the songs. On the other hand, the harsh vocals are used to great effect whenever they pop up, the melodeath contrasting sharply with the many anthemic moments on this record. Lead single, “Winter Storm Vigilantes,” perfectly encapsulates the mix of styles the band plays around with as it starts on a killer riff, fast-paced drumming, and Petri Lindroos’s signature harsh vocals that make way for a power metal–styled chorus delivered superbly by Montin alongside some high-octane guitars. If the first part of the song is deeply rooted in the melodeath aesthetic, the second part flips the script sounding like something out of EDGUY or HAMMERFALL with a neat transition midway through the song which showcases the Finns’ tight songwriting skills.

Clocking in at just shy of 7 minutes, album centerpiece “Long Cold Winter of Sorrow and Strife” balances between harshly-sung passages that have a strong ARCH ENEMY vibe to them, a bombastic chorus, and plenty of Viking chants that would absolutely crush in a live setting. Unsurprisingly, the song flows incredibly well between these sections showcasing their formidable storytelling and world-building expertise. Upbeat and anthemic “Fatherland” picks up the pace in true power metal style while Lindroos’s raspy harsh vocals give it a much-needed harder edge. Wistful “Scars in My Heart” features Madeleine Liljestam (ELEINE) but this is no duet as she beautifully carries the whole song with her tender voice, imbuing it with emotion and grace. I have to say that it is interesting to hear Liljestam’s voice in such a setting, surrounded by a different kind of instrumental to ELEINE’s usually dark symphonic metal style.

A short, spoken-word interlude, “Resistentia,” sets up the second part of the story which kind of mirrors the first part. Consequently, “The Howl” again balances power metal and melodeath elements in a rather nice back-and-forth between Lindroos and Montin while the Viking choir-like melodies are absolutely glorious not just on this particular track but on the whole album, adding so much texture and depth to the music and expanding the story. Just like on “Thalassic,” Pekka Montin’s vocals elevate the songs and bring more dynamics to the vocal melodies, proving once again that his addition to ENSIFERUM’s lineup was a beneficial one, with “The Howl” being a great example in this respect. Clocking in at almost 9 minutes, the sprawling “From Order to Chaos” is a grandiose and quite catchy piece of melodeath that features some spoken word passages and sparkling keys alongside the soaring chorus and Viking chants while the instrumentals keep a tight, driving rhythm. Power metal-infused “Victorious” ties in neatly with the first proper track, “Winter Storm Vigilantes,” as it brings in similar chants and furious, fast-paced drumming, closing the album on a high note, literally.

All-in-all, this album showcases much more of Pekka Montin’s vocal potential and how much his presence has impacted ENSIFERUM’s overall sound not just refreshing it but updating it at the same time. As such, “Winter Storm” is a lively, energetic, and vibrant album that flows incredibly well together through harsher melodeath soundscapes and soaring power metal melodies that are enriched by some Viking chants that invite the audience to sing along with the band. All this makes “Winter Storm” a consistent and cohesive album that is best experienced in one listen-through.

Written by Andrea Crow


01. Aurora
02. Winter Storm Vigilantes
03. Long Cold Winter of Sorrow and Strife
04. Fatherland
05. Scars in My Heart
06. Resistentia
07. The Howl
08. From Order to Chaos
09. Leniret Coram Tempestate
10. Victorious


Markus Toivonen – guitars, vocals
Sami Hinkka – bass, vocals
Petri Lindroos – vocals, guitars
Pekka Montin – vocals, keyboards
Janne Parviainen – drums


Metal Blade Records


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