Playlist of My Life: Leo Stillman (Leo) (Musicalypse Archive)

Today’s name is Leo Stillman. If you haven’t heard of Leo, here’s some background: he started playing music at age 3-4, and when guitar didn’t originally work out for him, he picked up drums at around age 10. However, that desire never quite ebbed and as of now, he’s been practicing guitar for 8 years and singing for 7. He’s played in several bands, but as of 2017, he has his first solo album coming out. Here is the playlist of his life.

1. The first song you remember hearing as a child

This is hard… Maybe Michael Jackson“Beat It” or Rauli Badding“Paratiisi.”

2. The first song you can recall ever really and truly loving

Michael Jackson“Beat It”

3. A song that you loved as a teenager/reminds you of high school

FALL OUT BOY“Thanks for the Memories”

4. The song or band that got you into metal music (or the current genre you play in)


5. The most recent song to get stuck in your head


6. Your guilty pleasure song/band

Hmm… I don’t know. I really love all music.

7. The first album you bought with your own money/the first album you were really excited to own

Neil Young“Harvest”

8. A song that makes you want to curl up on the couch with a hot beverage

Biffy Clyro“Little Soldiers”

9. A song to blast at full volume while you’re on the road

THE KILLERS“When You Were Young”

10. The song you’d most like to be played at your funeral

J. Karjalainen“Hän.” It would remind all my friends and family how much I really love them.

Interview by Kirsti Leinonen
Musicalyse, 2017
OV: 1769



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