RYLOS, a carrot-flavored melodic hard rock band from Finland, have released a new single: “Highway of Love” is a love song from along the highway.

Check out the music video: https://youtu.be/BXHaDLvuchA
Listen to the song on music services: https://push.fm/fl/rylos-highwayoflove
Last year for RYLOS was full of member changes and other worries, but the band wanted to continue without stopping. The original member, singer Mikko Heino, found guitarist Jussi Uutela and drummer Jere Anttonen. Taneli Tulkki helped with bass lines as a session musician.
RYLOS are playing gigs with two other hard rock/metal bands this year: the Road to Neon Waylay Tour with MANZANA and GENTLE SAVAGE will be at various locations in Finland in 2023.