As the last day of September took us by surprise, fans gathered at Kuudes Linja for a remarkable night of music, where two distinctive acts, UNFYROS and HEXVESSEL, promised to deliver a unique celebration of the start of the Fall season. HEXVESSEL was set to unveil their latest album, “Polar Veil,” making this night even more special for their fans.

UNFYROS took the stage, shrouded in an air of mystery. The band’s members, donning hoods, immersed themselves deeply in their music. Their set was characterized by the band just immersing themselves completely into their music. They didn’t address the audience, but just focused on their playing instead. Unfazed by the passage of time, they extended their performance beyond our best estimates, causing a slight delay in HEXVESSEL‘s scheduled start time at 21:00. Their enigmatic presence and abrupt conclusion seemed almost designed to set the mood for what was to come.

The anticipation in the air reached its peak as HEXVESSEL finally appeared on stage, albeit half an hour later than initially expected. The reason for this delay remains uncertain, perhaps owing to miscommunications or unforeseen circumstances. Nevertheless, once they began, it was clear that the audience was in for an unforgettable night.
HEXVESSEL‘s performance revolved around their new album, “Polar Veil,” played in its entirety. Much like UNFYROS, the band was also cloaked in hoods, and their mic stands adorned with twigs and branches created a woodland ambiance on stage.

A visually stunning black-and-white video played behind the band, featuring timelapse footage that alternated between nature and human life. The first half of the set focused on the beauty of nature, showcasing forests, galaxies, and more. As the performance progressed, the imagery transitioned to include elements of humanity, with scenes of hunters, animals, a bride wandering through the forest, and the final song featuring Mat McNerney carrying a torch. The video concluded abruptly, leaving us yearning for a more gradual fade-out, although it was unclear whether the lack of this transition was intentional or whether it was a technical mishap.

The video complemented the music seamlessly, creating an immersive atmosphere that could only be described as a piece of art in its own right. HEXVESSEL‘s new album marked a shift in direction, incorporating influences from black metal, yet Mat‘s ethereal vocals remained a constant, casting a spell over the audience.
In summary, the evening’s performance by UNFYROS and HEXVESSEL was a beautiful celebration of autumn and the release of “Polar Veil.” Despite the minor hiccups, both bands managed to captivate the audience with their enigmatic stage presence, intricate music, and visually stunning accompanying footage. This night will be remembered not only for the music but also for the sensory journey it offered; a true masterpiece of art and atmosphere.

Photos by Marco Manzi
Written by Laureline Tilkin